Amazon Bedrock


  • Subscribe to Cohere's models on Amazon Bedrock. For more details, see here.
  • AWS Python SDK. To install it, run pip install boto3. You can find more details here .
  • Configured authentication credentials for AWS. For more details, see this document.

Alternatively, use Cohere's AWS SDK; for more details, see this GitHub repo and related notebooks.


Invoke Cohere's embed model using Bedrock in order to generate embeddings with the following code:

import boto3
import json

# Create the AWS client for the Bedrock runtime with boto3
aws_client = boto3.client(service_name="bedrock-runtime")

# Input parameters for embed. In this example we are embedding hacker news post titles.
texts = ["Interesting (Non software) books?",
         "Non-tech books that have helped you grow professionally?",
         "I sold my company last month for $5m. What do I do with the money?",
         "How are you getting through (and back from) burning out?",
         "I made $24k over the last month. Now what?",
         "What kind of personal financial investment do you do?",
         "Should I quit the field of software development?"]
input_type = "clustering"
truncate = "NONE" # optional
model_id = "cohere.embed-english-v3" # or "cohere.embed-multilingual-v3"

# Create the JSON payload for the request
json_params = {
        'texts': texts,
        'truncate': truncate, 
        "input_type": input_type
json_body = json.dumps(json_params)
params = {'body': json_body, 'modelId': model_id,}

# Invoke the model and print the response
result = aws_client.invoke_model(**params)
response = json.loads(result['body'].read().decode())

Text Generation

Invoke Cohere's command model using Bedrock in order to generate text with the following code:

import boto3
import json

# Create the AWS client for the Bedrock runtime with boto3
aws_client = boto3.client(service_name="bedrock-runtime")

# Create the JSON payload for the request
json_params = {'prompt': "Write a LinkedIn post about starting a career in tech:"}
params = {'body': json.dumps(json_params),'modelId': 'cohere.command-text-v14',}

# Invoke the model and print the response
result = aws_client.invoke_model(**params)
response = json.loads(result['body'].read().decode())