Number of Generations

When you call the Generate endpoint, you have the option to generate multiple generations in a single call. This is done by setting the num_generations parameter.

Generating multiple outputs in a single API call.

Generating multiple outputs in a single API call.

The model’s outputs will vary depending on the generation settings you have specified, such as temperature, top-k, and top-p.

Each generation comes with its set of log likelihood values, which consists of:

  • The log likelihood of each generated token.
  • The average log likelihood of all generated tokens.

NOTE: log likelihoods are not returned by default because the return_likelihoods argument defaults to “NONE”. You can change this to get back the model's log likelihood values.


This example uses the input: “This curved gaming monitor delivers ...

The output generated with a maximum token set of 4 and sorted by average token log likelihood are:

-0.96a truly immersive experience
-1.11a virtually seamless view
-1.70the ultimate viewing experience
-2.15a 144Hz rapid
-2.44a comfortable and stylish

You can use these outputs in a number of ways, by selecting the one with the highest log likelihood as the final output, for example, or by presenting them as options in your application.